STEMulate Afterschool
Official Description: 21st CCLC programs face enormous challenges to support students in the STEAM fields...especially during the pandemic. Educators can successfully implement STEAM education when they are supported with programs that are based on the best practices for program design. Project-based learning meets this need and provides the roadmap for afterschool providers to adopt a successful approach. We will highlight several hands-on resources as examples of project-based learning that integrate STEAM. These STEAM activities exemplify the benefits of project-based learning to enable students to transfer their knowledge and skills to real-world problems, to be motivated to learn, and to improve their math and science scores.
Layman's Description: Learn how to STEMulate your afterschool and summer program with a variety of STEAM activities for K-12. Bring your problem-solving skills as we construct several projects from cardboard and straws, learn circuitry, and build simple machines with LEGO® Education. We look forward to sharing a variety of STEAM activities that will STEMulate Your Mind!
DO Conference Hype: Join STEMfinity in this exciting hands-on workshop utilizing inexpensive resources such as cardboard and straws. Then, step up your building skills as we explore drones, robotics, circuitry, and engineering with LEGO® Education and other hands-on STEAM Resources. STEMfinity will demonstrate the effectiveness of hands-on learning for PreK-12 afterschool and summer programs while participants learn: 1) How to access FREE STEAM Resources; 2) How to utilize inexpensive materials to teach/learn about STEAM; 3) How to connect the dots for students interested in a STEAM Career Path; and, 4) How to create excitement around the STEAM activities with parents and the community.
“Hoooo would want to miss this workshop?!?” - STEMfinity Owl
[click here if this went over your head]
Presenter: Bill Albert is the CEO & Founder of STEMfinity, a global One-Stop STEM Shop. For over 22 years, Bill has promoted the importance of the integration of authentic, hands-on, STEM curriculum and methodology in the classroom, afterschool, at home, in makerspaces, and through summer programs. Bill created STEMfinity to make STEM accessible and engaging for students from all walks of life. By promoting this type of teaching and learning, Bill believes future generations will be better equipped to make enormous strides in STEM fields. His involvement with over 55,000 schools, afterschool programs, and libraries has made STEM accessible to millions of students all over the world.