Insta(gram) Success
Official Description: All the cool people use Instagram! While this may or may not be factual, it doesn’t really matter because the true purpose of this workshop is to learn skills in graphic design, 3D animation, and visual effects through the use of a free Instagram filter creation software. Attendees in this session, will learn to create their very own Instagram filter and bring those skills, resources, and knowledge-bases back to their afterschool programs. As a result of this workshop, participants will go viral on social media! JK! We can’t help you there, but we can expose you to some awesome software and teach you how to expand your students’ and/or your program’s narrative through one of the most popular social media apps.
Layman's Description: Believe it or not, you will create your own, unique Instagram filter and then post your own “Story” about the process.
DO Conference Hype: This is the best workshop in the world! Hyperbole aside, the Insta(gram) Success workshop is the perfect combination of arts, technology, creativity, and design. If you like even one of those things, you’ll love this workshop. Also, uniquely, Instagram is probably one of the few social media apps that concurrently resonates with both your young people and with your parents and families. In short, this workshop is great way to enhance your program’s story and make your youth development work an instant success (sorry for those puns, couldn’t resist).
Presenter: William Hammond, current Program Director for the Walla Walla Public Schools’ C15 21st CCLC grant, is a self-taught, avid "techie." Over the past 10 years as a 21st CCLC Site Coordinator and Program Director, William has successfully engaged hundreds of under-served young people in some of the most exciting afterschool STEM projects and activities, including: drones, high altitude weather balloon launches, robotics, Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 3D printing, AR/VR, and more. This year he is excited to share how his techie passion also intersects with the visual arts, literacy, and storytelling. His hope is that you leave the conference with a renewed desire to foster your inner “techie," or at the very least have several more followers on Instagram.