Science of Sport presents

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Official Description: Math, Science, and Sports are no longer in competition! Learn how these superstars joined forces to create the ultimate winning team!! Science of Sport workshop attendees will participate in lessons from our unique curriculum and walk away with activities programs can start to use with their students, either virtually or in-person, when schools start up again in the Fall. Through these engaging activities attendees will learn how to captivate young people, creating measurable improvement in student appreciation of STEM and fostering performance growth in math and science standards.

Layman's Description: This workshop will bring math and science to life through sports-centered, hands-on learning activities.

DO Conference Hype: “This was an idea I was kicking around (pun…wait for it…) a decade ago in my afterschool program at Garrison Middle School. My idea was to help our afterschool soccer club players learn the principles of physics through intentional, reflective soccer training. Our first and only lesson was on force (F=MA), a.k.a. How hard can you kick a soccer ball? (pun completed). While initially successful, this idea never fully manifested. Recently, on the recommendation of a trusted 21st CCLC colleague, I am thrilled to have discovered the Science of Sport team. They had the same idea, but actually made it a FULL-BLOWN REALITY (and much better than I could)! This high quality, dynamic, interactive workshop is the light at the end of my ten-year-long tunnel. You can thank me later for sparring you a similar decade’s worth of wondering (you’re welcome…lol). Enjoy!”

Presenters: Dr. Ricardo Valerdi is the Founder and Chief Scientist of Science of Sport. He is also a Professor of Systems Engineering at the University of Arizona. Additionally, Dr. Valerdi serve as a Pac-12 Faculty Athletics Representative, a visiting professor at West Point, and a consultant to the Department of Defense, SpaceX, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Daren Heaton is the Executive Director of Science of Sport. Daren has been able to create partnerships with over 20 professional sports teams to be able to provide education programs for schools that have impacted over 300,000 students. He is the Former Manager of Education Initiatives for the Arizona Diamondbacks and a Former Account Executive for the Los Angeles Galaxy.