WWPS 21st CCLC presents
Official Description: Help create this summer’s “blockbuster” movie by making the pieces of a truly epic film - Design, Story, Music/Sound Effects, and Artwork. Whatever you choose to create, we’ll add to our communal DO Conference film. Together we are going to make one EPIC MOVIE! In this workshop session attendees will experience, model, and reflect on the different creative elements of Walla Walla Public Schools’ 21st CCLC virtual/remote summer learning program and how to bring them all together in one consolidated manner. The content in this workshop is easily scalable and variegated to meet a variety of different student, program, and resource-based needs.
Layman's Description: We are going to make a movie in the SUPER FUN (and accessible) manner we recently utilized in our WWPS 21st CCLC summer program.
DO Conference Hype: “What is a platypus? It’s a duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed, semi-aquatic, egg-laying, venomous-spurred mammal with dense fur! Got that?!? In my mind, nothing symbolizes our current educational framework (and life) more than the platypus. It’s an amalgamation (EPIC MASHUP) of everything that works and is necessary. When thinking about the upcoming year, our afterschool program processes, methods, interactions, and content will probably all be like a platypus, so to speak. Therefore, let’s embrace it and figure out a way to take the best of everything and make it work. I hereby dub the platypus the official mascot of the DO Conference 2020!”
Presenters: Marcos Medina, Becca O’Connor, Sergio Orozco, and Roger Contreras, all 21st CCLC Site Coordinators with Walla Walla Public Schools (WWPS), are excited to co-facilitate this dynamic workshop. In total, the group has well over a decade of tremendous experience running some of our district’s highest quality afterschool programs. Their collective work spans elementary, middle, and high school interactions. Fundamental to their programmatic successes are their credentials in numerous aspects of the David P. Weikert’s Center for Youth Program Quality (PQA) framework, including the SEL-PQA, Youth Methods, Planning with Data, and Quality Coaching, as well as their first-hand experience with independent resilience-based research practices (Washington State Department of Social and Health Services IRB certified).